Ureteroscopic surgery is through a slender endoscope, through the urethra, bladder, ureteral orifice into the 0.2 to 0.5cm diameter of the ureter, after connecting the monitoring equipment, it can clearly observe the lesions in the ureter, so as to diagnose and treat the ureteral diseases through different instruments inserted in the working cavity. So how should we deal with the complications of ureteroscopic surgery?
1. Bleeding
Postoperative bleeding often occurs, is also a common complication, serious may also be massive bleeding, this is mainly due to intraoperative ureteral injury, generally light, do not need special treatment. If the bleeding is serious, the possibility of damage to the surrounding organs should be considered. If necessary, interventional therapy or open surgery should be performed.

2. Mucosal tear and submucosal pseudomeatus formation
This kind of complication is not easy to appear, but it is not completely absent. This kind of complication is better to get rid of. It is generally lighter, and can be treated conservatively by catheterization. Sometimes, large submucosal pseudomeatus can cause ureteral ischemia, resulting in postoperative lumen stenosis, or even necrosis. The operation should be gentle as far as possible to avoid the injury of mucosa caused by catheter and guide wire.
3. Perforation
This is a serious and common complication, which needs enough attention to avoid serious consequences. This kind of complication is often caused by the injury of catheter and guide wire. In general, catheter drainage can often solve the problem. It is important to keep the drainage of ureter unobstructed and avoid the formation of urinary cyst.
The above is about how to deal with the complications of ureteroscopic surgery some suggestions, I hope to help you.